Linkedin has found its busiest times to be morning and midday, Monday through to Friday. However business hours in general have the largest maximum reach for LinkedIn. Tip: Find what works for you with your target market, by trying different hours and noting the...
An excellent way to manage your blog is to write several posts in one sitting and then schedule them to be published at dates in the future. It allows you to get into the vibe, do your research and work efficiently. That way even when you’re busy your blog is...
It’s well worth watching which tweets attract the most attention and keeping a record of them. It allows you to build up a collection of excellent marketing tweets to dip into and reuse in the future. You can retweet the best ones or you can create new ones...
Start the New Year with a fresh approach. Unsubscribe from all those mailing lists you don’t need. Set up folders for filing your emails. Set up filters to organise your mail into ones to read and ones to keep. Update your signature and check your website link....
The number one way to increase your rankings on Google is content. It may sound simple, but adding new and relevant content frequently to your site comes up top time and time again of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) recommendations. By doing so you are showing Google...